Salesforce integrations

Organizations often have many different systems in place. With the aid of integrations, these systems can communicate with each other seamlessly. We can implement even the most complex Salesforce integrations.

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Salesforce integrations

Organizations often have many different systems in place. With the aid of integrations, these systems can communicate with each other seamlessly. We can implement even the most complex Salesforce integrations.

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Salesforce integrations

One might think it would be easy if an organization only had one system for all purposes. In reality many organizations have several different systems for different uses. Sometimes these systems do not understand each other. This can lead to any number of issues.

Through integrations, all of these systems that were developed in different times can communicate with each other. This eliminates the need to record data multiple times, dig through different systems or transfer things from one system to another.

Integrations can be used to extend the lifespan of legacy systems and automate various processes, freeing up employees’ time from routines to focus on more productive work. Integrations can also be used to ensure that the quality of data does not deteriorate over time.

Salesforce itself offers a wide range of integration options and many ready-made interface connectors, but in some situations it will be necessary to build customized integrations between systems. We have a great deal of experience in both using all kinds of ready-made solutions and building custom integrations. Point-to-point, REST and SOAP – all implementation options are part of our repertoire.

The typical challenges with integrations

Among the challenges that many companies face with integrations are the following.

  • Building integrations is expensive. It is partly true that integrations can be expensive. However, the use of modern integration platforms and turnkey solutions has significantly accelerated and facilitated the execution of integrations.
  • Often, less attention is often paid to understanding the overall system landscape. Ideally, a company would have its own IT architect who understands the full picture of the company’s IT solutions and would be able to assess when and how integrations should be implemented. But as this is not often the case, one should make sure that the technology partner has the necessary architectural expertise to be able to deal with the overall system.
  • Data is fragmented into different systems, making its use difficult. With the aid of integrations, all business-critical master data can be shared effortlessly between one system and all others. In this case, for instance, all the customer’s information can be stored in Salesforce while at the same time being available to other systems.

Do you want more information?

Do you want more information about how to succesfully implement a Salesforce solution or develop it even further? Or do you want to understand how to utilize your CRM to reach your business goals?

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How can we help?

Mulesoft. Mulesoft is a cloud-based integration platform owned by Salesforce. It contains versatile ready-made interface connectors, which can be used to build integrations with ERP systems and other general systems quickly.

Heroku. Heroku is a low code application development platform on which various integration solutions can be implemented cost-effectively and in a versatile way.

Legacy systems. Organizations often have legacy systems that are difficult to maintain. Although experts in the maintenance of these systems are hard to find, the threshold for replacing a long-serving system can also be high. In many cases, the only way to get new systems to communicate with legacy systems is to build custom integrations between them.

Frequently asked questions

Is it worth implementing integrations?

Integration is worthwhile if it significantly facilitates business processes. For instance, if the same data had to be recorded manually in several different systems in the past, integration can save a significant amount of time on unnecessary work.

We use old systems. Can integrations be built between them and Salesforce?

Certainly. It is extremely rare that we come across a situation where an integration could not be built for some reason. Once we have taken a closer look at the system, we can assess how integrations can best be carried out.

Lauri Kurki

Contact us

Lauri Kurki

Chief Commercial Officer

contact phone+358 (0)40 730 9033


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