First Finnish Salesforce Partner

Biit is a company specialized in Salesforce technologies that help companies achieve their business goals through technology and a data-driven approach to management.

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First Finnish Salesforce Partner

Biit is a company specialized in Salesforce technologies that help companies achieve their business goals through technology and a data-driven approach to management.

Contact us!

In our discussions with sales and business leaders, the same challenge arises repeatedly. Management lacks a clear view of where their result comes from. Companies often have clearly defined goals while progress towards meeting them is also closely measured, but management lacks the ability to see behind the results. For example, sales management tracks sales, but by that point it is too late to influence them. This same problem came to light in a study we conducted in 2019.

It is difficult to lead operations without having a precise insight into whether the company is doing enough to lead to results, and working to a high enough standard to achieve them.

We work hard to change this.

We are not just a system vendor that supplies technology – we combine our technological expertise with a wide-ranging understanding of business and provide insights into how a customer relationship management (CRM) system can be used to achieve business goals.

When data is put to good use and it also leads to concrete action, goals can be translated into results. All of this can be accomplished with Salesforce, which we specialize in implementing and further developing.

If you want to discuss issues such as managing your business with data, developing sales, implementing Salesforce, or expanding your use of Salesforce, please contact us!

We're specialized in:

  • Data-Driven Sales
  • Data-Driven Marketing
  • Salesforce CRM implementations
  • Salesforce development
  • 360 degree customer view
  • Salesforce ja Heroku application development
  • Salesforce integrations
  • Digital transformatiom
  • Change management

Biit in a nutshell:

  • Found in 2007
  • First Finnish Salesforce Partner
  • Over 70 emplyees
  • Over 500 Salesforce projects for over 200 customers
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Mobilized for business needs

We will not only ask what kind of service you would like, but give you our expert views and ideas on what to consider when implementing and developing your CRM system.

Data-Driven Management is not just about collecting and presenting data, but about using it to influence people’s actions in order to achieve goals.

For example, sales is undergoing a major transformation, making it especially important for sales management to be able to see behind the results and make necessary changes based on facts. For sales organizations to stay on top of changes, the CRM system needs to be harnessed as a management tool that can not only guide salespeople but also develop them as individuals.

Instead of merely being a system vendor, we want to be a visionary partner for our customers, helping them succeed by constantly developing new ways to leverage Salesforce technologies.

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Salesforce implementations

Only the very best is good enough for us. That is why we are solely focused on Salesforce. It is an undisputed pioneer in the industry and the most versatile platform on the market - easily adaptable for all needs.

Perhaps you consider Salesforce merely a CRM system, but in reality it is so much more.

Salesforce is a platform for knowledge management and managing all customer touchpoints.

Whether it’s a matter of developing sales, marketing, customer service or field service, Salesforce offers groundbreaking solutions that we understand deeply with our many years of experience.

Salesforce is the choice of quality-conscious companies. That’s why it is used by no less than 99 percent of Fortune 100 companies, but also countless smaller businesses.

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Deep technical knowledge

The logic of ‘one size fits all’ simply doesn’t work in system projects, because companies are not copies of each other. They differ in their organizational structures, sales processes, customer relationship management models, management models – and ultimately in their goals.

For a company to get the most out of a CRM system, all of these individual needs and characteristics must be taken into account. Sometimes a light system configuration may be enough to meet the business needs, but it is often the case that more complex implementations, integrations or customer-specific applications are needed.

We have a wealth of experience and expertise in implementing Salesforce-related projects of all kinds. Whatever the challenge, we are up for it.

Lauri Kurki

Contact us

Lauri Kurki

Chief Commercial Officer

contact phone+358 (0)40 730 9033


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