CRM restart

In many companies, the CRM system in use does not meet the goals set for it. In a situation like this it may be appropriate to consider a fresh start.

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CRM restart

In many companies, the CRM system in use does not meet the goals set for it. In a situation like this it may be appropriate to consider a fresh start.

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CRM restart and re-implementation of Salesforce

It is by no means uncommon for a CRM system to perform inadequately. In such a situation, it may be appropriate to do a CRM restart..

Before considering a restart it is important to identify whether the CRM system is working as intended.

The most typical features of a system that needs to be restarted are:

  • The system contains a large amount of incorrect or incomplete data.
  • System utilization is low.
  • It is difficult or impossible to forecast sales using the system.
  • The system does not support all sales processes. In such a case, a sales rep might refrain from using the system, because the system doesn’t support the activities required to follow the sales process.

Often the problem is not in the system itself, but in how the system has been set up. Sometimes the problem lies in the fact that the system hasn’t been developed as the business has developed.

If the system has not been built to meet the real needs of the company, or adapted to meet needs that have changed over time, a situation might arise where the system no longer supports the company’s operations.

When this happens, it is advisable to go back to the start and consider the goals, solve the problems by re-configuring the system. Because the restart changes the way the system is used, the new operating model must then be put into practice and people must be encouraged to commit to it. We can help with all of that.

Typical challenges with CRM systems

We regularly address the following challenges with CRM systems.

  • The system does not support the company’s operations. The utilization rate of the system will inevitably remain low if it is not considered useful. In this case, a restart may be called for. Through it, the needs of end users can be taken into account better.
  • The system does not meet the requirements set for it. It may at some point be found that the goals set for the system have not been met. In this case, the system may not have been originally built to meet the company’s real needs. Restarting the system will make it possible to start from a clean slate.

Do you want more information?

Do you want more information about how to succesfully implement a Salesforce solution or develop it even further? Or do you want to understand how to utilize your CRM to reach your business goals?

Feel free to contact us!

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Salesforce restart steps

  1. Preparation. In the preparation phase, the problems of the current system are reviewed together with the customer, goals are clarified, and the customer's current processes and operating models are reviewed. Based on all this, the system is then restarted. The aim of the preparatory phase is to clarify the steps that are needed to correct previous problems.
  2. Modification. We can customize your Salesforce environment exactly as your operations require. For example, we can ensure that all your organization’s sales processes are described in the system as part of the restart.
  3. Testing. At this point, we step away from the keyboard to allow you to test for yourselves how the entire system works. We will work with you to ensure that your system functions as intended and meets the goals set for it during the preparation phase.
  4. Deployment. We are with you every step of the way. We will help you make sure that your system’s utilization rate increases to the desired level and doesn’t drop after the initial enthusiasm has passed.

Frequently asked questions

Why should CRM be deployed again – isn’t system configuration enough?

A restart is appropriate when the problems have become so serious that other solutions do not work. A restart should be considered as a new implementation project, starting with clarifying the goals and engaging the employees. In this case, it is made certain that the system will support the achievement of the goals set for it.

We have recently acquired Salesforce licenses, but it has not met our expectations. Should we consider a restart already?

It is likely that the system won’t be able to meet your real needs. If the system has only been in use for a short time, a lighter system configuration may be sufficient to fix the problems.

Lauri Kurki

Contact us

Lauri Kurki

Chief Commercial Officer

contact phone+358 (0)40 730 9033


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