Salesforce integrations
One might think it would be easy if an organization only had one system for all purposes. In reality many organizations have several different systems for different uses. Sometimes these systems do not understand each other. This can lead to any number of issues.
Through integrations, all of these systems that were developed in different times can communicate with each other. This eliminates the need to record data multiple times, dig through different systems or transfer things from one system to another.
Integrations can be used to extend the lifespan of legacy systems and automate various processes, freeing up employees’ time from routines to focus on more productive work. Integrations can also be used to ensure that the quality of data does not deteriorate over time.
Salesforce itself offers a wide range of integration options and many ready-made interface connectors, but in some situations it will be necessary to build customized integrations between systems. We have a great deal of experience in both using all kinds of ready-made solutions and building custom integrations. Point-to-point, REST and SOAP – all implementation options are part of our repertoire.