Service design and Salesforce applications

Don’t ruin good service with poor usability. The best possible user experience for end users and customers can be guaranteed with service design.

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Service design and Salesforce applications

Don’t ruin good service with poor usability. The best possible user experience for end users and customers can be guaranteed with service design.

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Service design and Salesforce applications

Even the best system, service or application cannot meet the goals set for it if its utilization rate remains low due to poor usability.

Service design ensures that end users – either company’s employees or its customers – find use of the service meaningful, useful and value adding. This ensures that enthusiasm for a new system, service or application does not wane after implementation.

Service design entails paying attention not only to technical implementation but also to usability and appearance. The goal is to make the user experience as enjoyable as possible.

In order to increase the utilization rate of a system, the service design perspective is taken into account already in the implementation phase of Salesforce. The induction of users and customers should also be kept in mind when further developing the system and building new applications on the Salesforce platform.

Benefits of service design

  • Save money. In service design, the usability of a product, service or application is critically assessed at an early stage so that development work can focus on what provides added value and is clearly in demand.
  • Reduces risk. The risk of failure is very low when development work is carried out with end users and customers in mind. Service design separates good development ideas from bad and ensures that the end result will please non-designers as well.
  • Creates user value. Service design is firmly focused on the end user, with the goal of developing services that create added value for them.

Do you want more information?

Do you want more information about how to succesfully implement a Salesforce solution or develop it even further? Or do you want to understand how to utilize your CRM to reach your business goals?

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How can we help?

Service Design. Rather than being merely a matter of technical implementation, service design is a system of approaches and methods that enables the development of services in a person-oriented and user-oriented way. The shift of focus in consumption habits from physical products to services is making service design more and more relevant.

Design Sprint. The goal of a Design Sprint is to solve a business problem on an accelerated schedule. The idea is to build a workshop-type working prototype in collaboration with the company’s key personnel, experts and customers.

Service Blueprint. Service Blueprint is an easy-to-understand overview of a company’s service system, including the IT architecture and the entire customer path. Service Blueprint can be used to accurately describe how a company looks to the customer at different stages of the path. It also shows all the things operating in the background, such as IT solutions.

Frequently asked questions

How does service design relate to Salesforce and CRM systems?

Using Salesforce is ultimately a matter of human behavior. As with Netflix, for example, or the HSL mobile application for public transport services, Salesforce is a service. Its utilization rate depends on how much added value end users feel they get from it. Service design ensures that Salesforce solutions add as much value as possible for employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

Is it necessary to separately purchase service design expertise for Salesforce projects?

We use service design methods such as Service Blueprint and Design Sprint in all of our customer projects, so this expertise does not need to be acquired or purchased separately as an additional service. One of our absolute strengths is in combining business understanding, technical know-how and a user-centered focus.

Lauri Kurki

Contact us

Lauri Kurki

Chief Commercial Officer

contact phone+358 (0)40 730 9033


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