Julia Reinhard, Marketing Consultant Trainee

Tällä kertaa kuukauden biittiläinen on poikkeuksellisen värikästä elämää elänyt Julia Reinhard, jota voisi kuvailla Jennifer Lopezin hittibiisin Jenny from the Block sanoin “no matter where I go, I know where I came from (the Bronx!). New Yorkista Suomeen muuttanut Julia on parturoinut megajulkkiksia, selviytynyt Bronxissa ensihoitajana ja vakuuttanut mahtavalla asenteellaan. Antaa Julian kertoa itsestään äidinkielellään, vaikka vaatimattomuudestaan huolimatta hän osaa myös suomea.

Who is Julia Reinhard?

I’m still Julia from the block. I’m originally from New York, but I’ve been living in Finland for six years now. I’m married to a Finnish citizen, who’s actually a Russian from Estonia. So you could call me multicultural. I’m also a musician.

I just started a new music project together with my husband, who also does a lot of musical stuff. We do a lot of things together, like organizing parties and events. I enjoy hitting the gym, reading science fiction & fantasy books, traveling and cooking. I’d consider myself as being open to almost anything.

How did you end up working for Biit?

This is actually my third career. I started out as a hairdresser for celebrities. Jared Leto was my first customer and I’ve also worked with the Kardashians, Rachel McAdams and Willem Defoe among others. Meeting celebrities was obviously memorable, but it also started to seem trivial.

”Meeting celebrities was obviously memorable, but it also started to seem trivial.”

After someone saved my mom’s life, I did a lot of soul searching. I wanted to do something that felt important and that’s why started studuying to become a paramedic. I worked as a paramedic in the Bronx for some time and then I met a Finnish guy. Of course I ended up moving to Finland.

We broke up after five years, but I decided to stay here to complete my studies. I’m studying marketing at Haaga-Helia and hopefully I’ll graduate next winter.

I became interested in Biit as a company when they visited us at Haaga-Helia. We had already seen a lot of companies presenting themselves, but Biit was the first one that actually gave us something interesting and interactive to do. My work was apparently pretty good, since they contacted me and offered me an internship.

”We had already seen a lot of companies presenting themselves, but Biit was the first one that actually gave us something interesting and interactive to do.”

What’s your role at Biit?

I’m a Marketing intern focused on marketing automation and customer workshop development/consulting. I’m also doing my thesis for Biit where I’m concentrating on the journey of our Pardot customers.

In addition to being an interesting topic for a thesis, it connects very well with what I’m learning during my internship. Most importantly, it helps me understand a lot more about our customers!

Tell us about three of the most amazing things about your work?

Besides learning more about marketing automation and our Data Driven approach to marketing, it’s interesting to learn more about Biit in general. We have a very open company where you can easily find out what others are working on.

Another really interesting thing is meeting all sorts of customers and participating in workshops. You learn more about how companies are being run than you could ever possibly learn in a classroom environment.

”You learn more about how companies are being run than you could ever possibly learn in a classroom environment.”

I also do enjoy the company culture here. This is a place where I can be myself at all times. Biit is run in a very non-hierarchical way where you can share ideas openly with your COO or CEO for example.

Where else would an intern report directly to the CCO? 

What has been the most memorable moment at Biit so far?

We had a kick-off where we all exercised together and afterwards went into a sauna. That was something you rarely see in the US, where companies are traditionally very hierarchical and you don’t usually get personal with people at work. 

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