Salesforce restart

It’s not at all uncommon for a CRM system to fail to meet its set goals. In such a situation, it might be justified to implement the system for a second time.

Before considering a new system implementation, it’s important to identify when a CRM system isn’t functioning as desired.

Typical indications of a system in need of a reboot include:

  • There is a lot of incorrect or missing data in the system.
  • The utilization rate of the system is low, and its use is not perceived as useful.
  • Predicting results using the system is difficult or impossible.
  • The system does not support all processes, in which case, for example, one sales process is forcibly applied to all different sales situations.

Often, the problem isn’t the system itself but rather the way it has been set up and developed over the years.

If the system hasn’t been built to meet the genuine needs of the company or adapted to respond to needs that have evolved over time, it won’t be long before you find yourself in a situation where the system no longer supports practical operations.

In a situation like this, it’s time to get back to square one, take a good hard look at the goals, solve the issues by configuring the system, and give it a good old reboot.

Restarting the system is bound to change the way people use it, so a new operational model is required and it is also important to secure people’s commitment with active change management.

Faced with a Salesforce restart?

Are you fed up with your system’s low usage rates or feeling like the system hardly offers any practical benefits?

Let’s dive in and figure out where these problems are coming from and what we can do about them.

Restart consists of four distinct phases: preparation, modification, testing, and implementation.


During the preparation phase, we delve into the current system’s issues, clarify the objectives, and review the client’s current processes and operational models, which will serve as the foundation for the restart. The goal of the preparation phase is to outline the steps that can rectify previous problems.


We will tailor your Salesforce environment to precisely what your business demands. For instance, will ensure that all your organization’s processes are depicted in the system as part of a reboot.


At this point we will take our hands off the keyboard and let you test all the system’s functionalities. Together with you, we will ensure that your system works as desired and meets the goals set for it during the preparation phase.


We will travel with you all the way to the final station. We’ll help ensure that the usage rate of your system rises to the desired level and doesn’t fizzle out after the initial excitement.

Typical challenges with CRM systems

These are the most common challenges that we help our customers solve.

The system doesn't support actual work

The system utilization will remain low if its use is not perceived as beneficial. In such cases, a reboot may be appropriate, during which the needs of the end-users are taken into account more effectively than before.

The system does not meet the requirements set for it

At some point, it may become apparent that the objectives set for the system have not been met. In such cases, it’s possible that the system was never really built to meet the actual needs of the company from the get-go. By rebooting the system, we can start afresh with a clean slate.

Frequently asked questions

Why should CRM be re-implemented, isn't it enough to configure the system?

A restart becomes justified when problems have ballooned to such scales that there’s no magic wand to fix them. It’s more useful to think of a restart as a new implementation, starting from clarifying the objectives to eventually getting people on board. This approach ensures that the system will definitively support achieving those objectives.

We have only recently implemented Salesforce, but it hasn't lived up to our expectations. Should we already start considering a restart?

The system likely hasn’t been set up to truly meet your needs. If the system has only been in use for a short while, a lighter configuration of the system will probably suffice.