Salesforce consulting and services

Get the most out of Salesforce – in an agile way. Salesforce services and consulting, from implementations to maintenance and Salesforce Platform development.

salesforce consulting biit
biit salesforce solutions

Salesforce consulting and services

Get the most out of Salesforce – in an agile way. Salesforce services and consulting, from implementations to maintenance and Salesforce Platform development.

We take your business to the next level

Not only can we build CRM systems for processing of customer data, but we can help our customers digitize and grow their entire business with Salesforce technologies.

Over the years we have implemented more than 500 projects for over 200 customers. In many cases, our work with customers is based on their business needs, and their sales needs in particular, as Salesforce is the best-known and most popular CRM system on the market. Setting up a CRM system is not the end of the journey, however. It is just the starting point for a diverse use of Salesforce as a complete technology platform.

We can help you develop your sales, marketing, customer service or field service. We can also help you build a 360 degree view of your customers, optimize your business’s core processes, provide first-class customer experiences in an omnichannel way, or use the data generated by your business in decision-making.

Biit was the first Finnish Salesforce partner.

Do you want more information?

Do you want more information about how to succesfully implement a Salesforce solution or develop it even further? Or do you want to understand how to utilize your CRM to reach your business goals?

Feel free to contact us!

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